Welcome to the parish of Our Lady & St Joseph Catholic Church in Alcester,
Our parish priest is the Right Rev. Geoffrey Scott - former Abbot of Douai Abbey, now the Titular Abbot of Lindesfarne.
There will be no weekday Masses on the following days:
- Friday 20th September to Saturday 28th September (Sunday Masses will be held as usual)
- Monday 30th September
- Friday 4th October
Sunday Masses are celebrated at 8:30 am and 10:30 am.
Weekday Masses are celebrated at 10:00 am on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays.
See the Bulletin and Services page for exceptions including Masses held at Our Lady's Catholic Primary School.
If you need a priest urgently and there is no immediate reply from the parish number please phone Stratford parish on 01789 292 439.
Online masses can be found by visiting our YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/c/catholicchurchalcester or clicking on the below button:
If you are able to support the parish financially in the coming weeks and months, there are a number of options by which you can do this...
The most efficient way of doing so is by setting up either a standing order or making ad-hoc payments from your bank account into the parish account.
If you are willing to do this, please send an e-mail to finance@catholicchurchalcester.org.uk and we will send you further details as to how to set this up.
To Donate Online, please visit our online donation form hosted by Dona:
Alternatively, you can either put a cash or cheque donation in a clearly marked envelope through the presbytery letterbox, or post donations (cheques only please) to the parish address found at the bottom of this page.
If you are an existing Gift-Aid Donor or wish to become a new Gift-Aid Donor please provide your Full Name, Address and Postcode on the envelope.
The Hall and Meeting Room are available for hire either together or separately, to discuss your requirements & make a booking please call 07876 796277 or email hallbookings@catholicchurchalcester.org.uk