There will be no weekday Masses on the following days:
- Friday 20th September to Saturday 28th September (Sunday Masses will be held as usual)
- Monday 30th September
- Friday 4th October
Sunday Masses
08:30 am - available online from 10:30 am
10:30 am
Weekday Masses;
Mondays at 10:00 am
Fridays at 10:00 am
Saturdays at 10:00 am followed by Exposition & Confession.
Sometimes the Weekday Mass is not held although this will be announced at the previous Sunday Masses and in the Bulletin
On the following dates the Friday Mass will be held at Our Lady's Catholic Primary School: 26th Apr, 24th May, 21st Jun, 19th July. This will be announced in the Bulletin and Sunday Masses.
Masses streamed / recorded
While Sunday Masses are being held in the Parish Hall we may not be able to stream / record the 8:30am Mass - please bear with us.
Sunday Masses are scheduled to be broadcast at each week at 10:30 am. This mass will remain available for viewing on our YouTube channel after it has been broadcast each week.
If you join us online for Mass whilst it is still being live streamed, Mass will start playing from where it has got up to. To view the Mass from the start, please click on the YouTube logo in the bottom right hand corner, which will take you to the video on YouTube, where you can then click to watch Mass from the beginning. If you wish to view the Mass bigger than it is displayed on the website you will need need to view it via the YouTube channel.
You can also view Mass and content by going direct to our YouTube channel by clicking on the below button, or by searching YouTube for "Catholic Church Alcester" which should also work from your Smart TV.
This week's Mass can be found by clicking on the YouTube button below...